The Student Scientific Circle of Foundry Engineering and Polymer Processing operates under the supervision of Dr. Paweł Just within the K-14 department. The Circle's activities revolve around various manufacturing techniques, polymer processing, and topics related to 3D printing.
Members of the Circle expand their knowledge and interests by creating custom castings, conducting workshops to promote the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Łódź University of Technology for primary and secondary school students, and participating in scientific conferences.
Creation of Signet Rings Using the Lost-Wax Casting Method
As part of this project, signet rings featuring the logo of the Scientific Circle and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will be produced using the lost-wax casting method. The models for the rings are created using 3D printing technology (SLA) with resin, rather than the traditional approach of wax injections into silicone molds. These 3D-printed resin models are then assembled into "casting trees," which are encased in plaster to form the initial mold. After being filled with plaster, the molds are heated to harden the plaster. Once the plaster mold is ready, it is filled with molten metal, which melts away the resin models and replicates their shape. The lost-wax casting method is especially popular in jewelry making, as it produces highly precise castings. Replacing wax models with resin models ensures greater dimensional and shape accuracy, allowing for detailed features and a high-quality surface finish on the signet rings.
For years, our club has hosted the Foundry Ball, which honors the foundry traditions practiced within the community involved in this industry. This tradition is long-standing and well-known within the structures of the Lodz University of Technology and among all partners who collaborate with our Circle. As long as this practice has existed at the University, every ball organized by the Club has been a grand and successful event, bringing together a large part of the university community.
Continuing our Circle project from previous years, during which we created castings of figurines depicting the rector’s building (the historic Richter Villa) to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Lodz University of Technology, we plan to create a series of castings of currently undefined architectural objects using photogrammetry and reverse engineering techniques. This project is planned to be carried out within the Erasmus+ program.